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Posts tagged with ‘Patrick Călinescu’

America On The Tally

noiembrie 4, 2008

(Text written in collaboration with Adam Murphy)


It has been argued that this year’s presidential campaign is, like never before, a confrontation between continuity and change. Now, it’s fairly obvious which candidate represents which state of mind. However, I would go even further than that by saying that this presidential campaign is really a highly symbolic confrontation between the old, embodied by McCain, and the new, personified, rather than embodied, by Obama. I have chosen to distinguish the embodiment of the old that the Republican senator stands for from the personification of the new that the Democrat senator stands for because Obama may not surely fully embody the new in all its scope and consequences. He obviously anticipates it, if not by facts, at least by his physical appearance, which is completely new in the contexts he has lately become to be associated with. In light of all this, how would you appreciate the highly symbolic political dichotomy at work in this presidential campaign and how would you comment on my probably hairsplitting distinction between Obama, the anticipator of the new (in itself), and Obama, the (alleged) personification of the self-same new?

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Un om. Omul. Om.

octombrie 29, 2008

Substantivele care nu sunt articulate nici hotărât, nici nehotărât au ceva straniu în ele: sunt indefinite şi definesc generalul în cel mai mare grad posibil nu numai din punct de vedere strict gramatical, ci şi din punct de vedere emoţional.

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