Perfectibilul eligibil
Atunci când vrei să construieşti un edificiu intelectual, cum ar fi o teorie ştiinţifică sau un sistem filosofic, care este condiţia de bază pe care constructul tău eminamente abstract trebuie s-o îndeplinească?
un proiect EgoPHobia
Posts tagged with ‘jurnal eidotomic’
Atunci când vrei să construieşti un edificiu intelectual, cum ar fi o teorie ştiinţifică sau un sistem filosofic, care este condiţia de bază pe care constructul tău eminamente abstract trebuie s-o îndeplinească?
Inter- şi trans-disciplinaritatea sunt utile pentru pan-comparatismul ştiinţific modern, însă rădăcina lor istorică pare să fi stânjenit epistemele clasice, iar filosofilor respectivelor trasee intelectuale pare să le fi stârnit cel mult uimirea.
Se mai poate face, în acest secol, filozofie nouă? Mai poate exista, de acum încolo, filozofie care să fie nouă? Care să se numească nouă pentru că întruneşte toate condiţiile noului filozofic?
This is only a personal, subjective comment of mine on the book I am reading at present in the collective presence of other books I have also been reading since I started this one in particular. Even though I’ll mention nothing about the other books I’m, too, reading, I should mention this special book that intrigued me and made me mull over the essence of God and ponder the kind of divinity that he is and where he may be coming from because I’d pretty much like to set the right tone for my comment and to stress, once again, that what follows is merely my understanding of the very thing I’ll soon be commenting on.
We have all been saturated with the social malformations of language. We must all have had our intimate gutful of this deviation-strewn kind of language that we use either in our daily communication or in our fairly more seldom written discourses. Even giving a few examples, which language is so fraught with, would seem a linguistic blasphemy for the honest, and for the snob-free, and for what they have to say, and how they say it. I’ll nevertheless become purposefully blasphemous with the sole intention to set an example of negative linguistic talking and to make a point thereof. So, although the full list of blasphemous linguistic malformations may to some be as long as language itself, I’ll here only give a short version of it, comprised of just a few items.